The tradition of “chip-charting” at Booker Washington Institute on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, highlights a unique practice among students during and after exams. This tradition involves segregating themselves based on their attire, which serves as a visual identifier of their departmental affiliation:
Electrical Department: Students wearing yellow overhauls are easily recognizable as being associated with the Electrical Department. This distinct attire not only signifies their field of study but also fosters a sense of unity and belonging among students within the department.
Regular Uniforms: On the other hand, students dressed in the school’s standard attire of navy-blue jeans and white t-shirts gather near the Academic Building. These students represent other departments or individuals not affiliated with the Electrical Department. Despite not having specific attire to distinguish their department, they still find a sense of camaraderie within their own groups.
This tradition not only helps students visually identify their peers’ departmental affiliations but also fosters a sense of community and belonging within departments. It adds an element of unity and cohesion during the busy and often stressful period of exams, contributing to a positive campus culture at the Booker Washington Institute.