BWI Web Masters
The Booker Washington Institute (BWI) webmasters are trained and aspiring IT and media staff equipped with comprehensive skills in website management. These individuals are proficient in handling a myriad of web-related responsibilities, ensuring that the institution’s web platforms consistently align with its goals and objectives. With a firm grasp of web design and development, the webmasters excel in managing websites and media content. Their capability to navigate the websites effectively and apply extra tips ensures that the institution’s websites remain functional, user-friendly, and visually appealing. They possess the necessary expertise to maintain the website efficiently, reflecting a commitment to keeping the site up-to-date and engaging for all users.
BWI Webmasters

Sam-Sumo Bahbor
Consultant/Chief Editor

William K. Golay
Event Manager/Content Writer

James G. Leon
Technical Director / Web Designer & Developer

Alieu J. Burphy
Web Designer & Developer

Teddy Pantoe
Photographer/Graphic Designer